She says:
As the sign says as you enter the city limits, “Bishop for all seasons.” The town has a short main street, peppered with outdoor gear shops, home furnishing stores and a few eateries and coffee shops. It's a town with a whole lot of character, and it seems to be rapping on the walls of my heart, hoping to be added to the long list of things I love about the west. With its easy access to outdoor activity and the charm of the small town, I’m in love. Jeffrey and I typically climb in the morning till we are fatigued and then head into Bishop proper for some internet surfing at the Looney Bean coffee shop. After we get our internet and caffeine fix we roam the streets of the small town, window shopping, as I mentally make a list of all the things we must experience before we leave this town. We stop into the local grocery to get to some fresh produce and indulge in a redbox movie rental for a $1.50 a night!!! Cheap entertainment, I love it!

One of the big highlights of Bishop for me is the Eric Schat’s Bakery. A bakery that looks like it was plucked from Epcot Center’s Holland section. There are figurines and plywood cutouts of bakers and Dutch woman with braids and wooden shoes. There is an old fashioned car outside decorated to the nines with advertisements for the bakery. The entire bakery looks like it was transported straight from Disney world, straight down to the stained glass windows and the woman who greets you with here lace hat on. Once in the store there is a bounty of bread that almost makes me fall over there are so many delicious looking options including an Eric Schat’s original, “Sheepherder bread” the only thing that can compete with the abundance of bread choices is the copious bakery selection, including apparently the award winning, best glazed doughnut in 1998! I can barely contain my excitement, I feel like I am floating around in store in a cloud of confectionary goodness. Jeff decides we should get a loaf of bread. I agree and secretly decide that we also need to sample a pastry... or two!!!! Come on this place is a baker’s dreamland.
We decided on Rosemary sourdough bread and then I sneak over a purchase an apple fritter and pecan cinnamon roll. As we sit outside and partake in the confectionary and savory bread delight, I honest start to daydream about living here. Drugged up on sweet bakery treats I think of working in the bakery and mastering the varying baking techniques and with every day of heading straight to Owen’s River Gorge to get my climbing fix... I would be in heaven.... **sigh** it's good to dream.
Hey Elizabeth,
What state are you guys in? I sooo want to be you right now!
Hello Bernice,
Well we are a bit behind in our blogging, right now we are in Idaho, heading to Utah today, but this blog was written for Bishop, CA.
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